A Guide: How to Care for Specialty Contact Lenses 

A Guide: How to Care for Specialty Contact Lenses 

Clean lenses will ensure that your eyes are healthy and safe. If your contact lenses are not properly cleaned, you can easily get an eye infection. Eye infections can lead to vision problems. Proper care of your specialty contact lenses is therefore very vital. Eye care providers can give you instructions on the proper care of specialty contact lenses. 


The type of lenses you have determine how you care for them. You could always talk to your eye doctor if you have difficulty cleaning your specialty contact lenses. Disposable soft lenses need the least care. Cleaning conventional lenses takes time and work. What steps do you need to take to ensure your lenses are properly cared for?



Cleaning Contacts



Ensure Your Hands Are Clean



Use mild soap to wash your hands before cleaning the contact lenses. Rinse your hands after washing. Ensure your hands have no lotion, perfume, or oils since they could leave a film on the contacts. Your eyes could get irritated, or your vision could develop blurriness when the contaminants get on your lenses. You want to avoid this. Use a clean towel to dry your hands.



Caution While Using Beauty Products



Use your hair spray before you wear your contact lenses. If you do not want to damage your contacts or scratch your eyes, ensure your nails are short and clean. Take your contact out before you remove your makeup. To ensure your contacts are clean, wear them before putting on makeup in the morning.



Safety While Using Liquids



Special care and products are necessary for some contacts. The doctor will recommend you use products such as:


  • Disinfecting solutions.
  • Eye drops.
  • Enzymatic cleansers.


The doctor will warn of some products and eye drops that are not for contact wearers. Never use distilled water to clean the contacts. Distilled water can have bugs that will cause an infection. Do not put your contacts in your mouth when rinsing it.



How to Clean the Contacts



Using your index finger, gently rub the contact in your palm. This will remove any surface buildup. Ensure you clean your contacts every time you use them. Use a sterile solution to clean them and let them dry. After every three months, replace your case.



Ensuring Safety While Wearing Your Contacts



Safety Before Wearing



You should wear the contact as per the doctor’s instructions. You can ask your doctor to assist in developing a chart to track when to change your contacts if you have difficulties remembering. 


Never wear contacts that have been worn. Do not sleep with your contact if they do not have extended lenses. Ensure that the tip of your solution does not touch any surface. This could contaminate the solution.



Safety While Wearing



Wear UV sunglasses while in the sun. Use a rewetting solution to keep your eyes moist. Place the contacts on the tip of your finger to form a cup. This will ensure you do not wear your lenses inside out. 


When your eyes get irritated, take your contacts out and do not use them again. Speak to your eye doctor about the problem. When you start wearing them, follow your doctor’s instructions to prevent an eye infection.


In case of any eye irritation, vision-related problems, swelling, or infection, see your eye doctor immediately. Also, do not swim with your contacts; you should wear goggles to prevent an infection.


For more on caring for specialty contact lenses, visit Justice Vision Clinic at our office in Duluth, Georgia. Call (770) 626 7883 to book an appointment today.

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