February Is Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

February Is Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

Are you above the age of 55 and noticing that your eyesight is starting to get blurry? If yes, there is a chance you could be developing age-related macular degeneration or AMD. As the number of people in America aged 55 and above increases, more individuals are catching age-related illnesses like AMD.

Studies show that AMD is the top cause of loss of vision in older people, affecting 1.7 million people in America. So, what is AMD? And, can you reverse it? February is age-related macular degeneration awareness month, and here is what you need to know about the condition.

What Is Age-related Macular Degeneration?

AMD is an eye condition that blurs your central vision. It occurs when aging damages your macula. The macula is the section of the eye that makes your eyes see straight ahead with a clear, sharp focus.

So when your macular is not working right, you cannot see smaller details when gazing at something far or close. However, your side vision will still be intact. For example, you may see the digits but not the clock’s hands if you are looking at your wall clock.

Types of AMD

There are two forms of AMD—dry AMD and wet AMD.

Dry AMD is the most widespread type of AMD, accounting for about eight out of 10 people with AMD. With dry AMD, sections of the macular thin out with age, and small clusters of protein (drusen) appear. As drusen continue to grow, your central vision starts to weaken. Dry AMD can develop into wet AMD, which is usually the late stage of AMD. No cure for dry AMD exists yet.

Wet AMD is less prevalent but much more severe. With wet AMD, abnormal blood vessels grow under the retina and leak fluid into the macula. This causes swelling and damage to the macula and loss of central vision. Fortunately, doctors can treat wet AMD.

Early Warning Signs of AMD

The warning signs of AMD include:

  • Blurry eyesight.

  • Seeing curvy lines or blind spots.

  • Objects looking smaller or further away.

  • Trouble reading of seeing finer details in low lights.

  • Light sensitivity.

What Are the Risk Factors for AMD?

Things that may put you at a higher risk of AMD include:

  • Age.

  • Family history.

  • High cholesterol.

  • High blood pressure.

  • Being overweight.

  • Smoking.

  • If you are white.

  • If you are female.

How to Reduce Your Risk for AMD

Living a healthy lifestyle can lower your risk for AMD. Eating foods with plenty of green vegetables and fruits is a good place to start. Similarly, eating foods rich in omega-3 can help promote eye health. Good sources of omega-3 include sardines, salmon, tuna, herring, and mackerel, among others.

It is also beneficial to exercise daily to keep a healthy weight and control cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The healthier you are, the better your body can promote eye health.

To learn more about age-related macular degeneration awareness this February, visit Justice Vision Clinic ​​​​​​​at our office in Duluth, Georgia. You can also call (770) 626-7883 today to book an appointment.

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