Caring for your child includes bringing him or her in for routine pediatric eye exams. According to the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, eye health is important in a child’s development. Bringing your child to your pediatric ophthalmologist has many benefits. If you want to find out the value of routine pediatric eye exams, here’s what you should know.
Parents like you can make a list of relevant topics that you want to discuss with your pediatric eye doctor. Different behavioral patterns concerning eyesight can tell you what may be causing them. Writing down your questions can make the discussion easier and smoother. A routine pediatric eye exam can reveal reasons and solutions for the concern.
Early eye checkups can help your child go through normal development. Good eyesight can help children reach their potential. Common childhood problems are often about eye coordination, eye structure, and vision. Some of these issues are myopia, amblyopia, and astigmatism. More serious eye problems are cortical visual impairment, pediatric cataracts, and childhood tearing.
Squinting may be a sign of a vision issue. Routine pediatric eye exams can help detect your child’s eye and vision irregularities. Studies show that parents must bring their children in for eye checks as early as six months of age. These routine eye exams are especially important when the child turns three, right before schooling starts.
The eye exams must happen every couple of years during grade school age. Your pediatric eye care provider can also check your child’s eye movement and alignment. Visual acuity and depth perception are also factors to consider. Routine eye checks provide an opportunity to correct any vision problems. The earlier these issues go away, the quicker your child socializes and learns at school.
Your eye care provider will pinpoint the issue and prescribe the right treatment plan. Most methods of treatment are contact lenses, eye surgery, and eyeglasses. Your pediatric eye specialist can provide one or a combination of treatments to reach better eye health. This needs patience and persistence on your part as a parent.
The eye exam results determine the right kind of treatment plan for your child’s eye problems. It prevents your child’s eye issues from getting worse. The treatment plan includes a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals capable of supporting eye function and development.
Routine pediatric eye checks also enable eye doctors to monitor the progress of any eye treatment care plan. This enables the pediatric eye care provider to optimize vision care and eye health. Each eye checkup is a chance to catch an eye issue early. It then results in early treatment and correction.
Eye health must be optimal for your child. It is important during the formative years. At Justice Vision Clinic, we believe in putting the safety and health of our young patients first. Please visit our clinic in Duluth, Georgia, for an in-person consultation. You can also call us at 770-626-7883 if you want to set an appointment or inquire about our routine pediatric eye checkup packages.