Why Get Routine Eye Exams

Why Get Routine Eye Exams

Vision plays an essential part in every person's day-to-day life. It influences how people of all ages communicate, learn, work, and interact with their surroundings. Yet, millions of people in the United States live with some form of visual impairment. Worse, many more remain susceptible to preventable eye disease and injury. The eyes are a vital but usually neglected part of overall health. Are you among those people who don't receive recommended vision screenings and examinations? Here are the top two main reasons why you should get routine eye exams:


  • It Improves Vision. For children, vision screening should start at six months old to aid with their on-pace learning and development. Routine eye exams have to begin in childhood since vision plays a crucial role in education even before a kid starts school. Besides, 80 percent of what a child can learn in and outside of their classroom requires good vision. Adults have to schedule comprehensive eye exams to keep their eyewear prescriptions updated. You have to schedule an appointment at least every couple of years even if you're not experiencing any vision changes. Eyesight degenerates over time, often increasing in pace as you turn 60 years old. By having routine eye exams, you keep your vision health in check. Otherwise, poor vision will affect even the most ordinary activities such as reading, driving, watching television, and more. 


  • It Tests for Eye Diseases and Health Problems. Regular eye checkups also aid in the early detection of sight-threatening eye health problems. These include macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. Treatment for these eye diseases is more effective when your eye doctor spots them in their early stages. Similarly, routine eye exams allow eye health care professionals to take a safe, non-invasive look inside your body. An eye checkup will enable them to discover as many as 30 chronic medical conditions. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even cognitive dysfunction. 


Vision Care Can Change Your Life


Early diagnosis and intervention are critical in preventing eye diseases that can lead to blindness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 93 million adults in the United States are at an increased risk of vision loss. Sadly, only half of this number visited an eye doctor in the past year.   


If you experience any of the following eye problems, visit your eye doctor immediately:


  • Eye Pain.

  • Double Vision.

  • Flashes of Light.

  • Decreased Vision.

  • Halos Around Lights.

  • Presence of Floaters.

  • Draining or Eye Redness. 


During the exam, your eye doctor will perform a series of tests to determine your eye and vision health. These tests generally include an eye muscle test, visual acuity test, glaucoma test, retinal examination, and refraction assessment. While none of these tests are painful, it's possible to experience some discomfort if you're not used to numbing eye drops to dilate your pupil. 


Regardless of age, routine eye exams play an essential role in overall health and wellness. Schedule your appointment today with Justice Vision Clinic in Duluth, Georgia. Call us now at (770) 626-7883 for more information. 

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